keskiviikko 1. toukokuuta 2013

I'm not perfect

There's a whole lot of issues running trough my head these days and trying to find an appartment isn't making it any easier. At the moment I'm also trying to discover a way to work on my Perfectionism.

I think that's my worst obstacle, since there's no such thing as a perfect person.
Being perfect is just something that's planted in our heads since we're little. We keep trying and trying to get there and get disapointed and angry with ourselves because we'll never be good enough. And that causes anxieties and stress. Atleast that's how it is with me. I'm not good at giving myself any credit for a job well done or being proud of what I have accomplished..

Since I've started to acknowledge it, I have actually started to create again and finishing old projects of mine. Earlier I've been scared to eaven start doing things as I am put down by the fear they'll never be good enough. But I have set my own standarts ridiculously high and failure has never been an option to me.
I realize that now..
I still get discouraged easily at some days, but I want to feel the joy of making things and finishing them eaventough they might not be the best of their kind, but atleast I've tried my best and had fun while doing it.

And that is amazing! Hopefully a new start for the better..

Suki- Avatar the Last Airbender

A good example: The first backround of this picture failed and Sukis' hair suddenly got some weird splatter marks on it. I felt devastated and I tought I wouldn't eaven want to see this picture ever again. I was couraged by my lover to just make a new backround and try to color over the splatters... After a while, I did. And this backround was so much better! And the splatters are gone. I did it!
And it felt so good to finish this drawing and I dare to say that I am proud of it.
Sometimes eaven a mistake can be a good thing.

2 kommenttia:

  1. When things go wrong, just think of pretzels. They were made because the cook fell asleep and let the buns burn into a crisp in the oven. Thus a mistake made something new and a good wad of money for the "invertor"
